The Walk
The second annual Carolyn Young Mentor Walk will be held at Agnes Scott College on Saturday, September 15, 2012. It is a 1.5 mile walk around the campus of Agnes Scott, by the Oakhurst Community Garden, the ASC observatory, and around the beautiful streets of Decatur. The Mentor walk is open to anybody from the community who wants to participate.
Registration starts at 7:45AM. The walk will begin promptly at 9:15AM. Please arrive early to check-in. After walk festivities will kick-off at 11:00AM – including a group picture.
The walk encourages students to envision life beyond high school – one in college, technical college, or with other opportunities. College students and adults are encouraged to engage younger students in conversation about their futures and why school can be cool while walking. Agnes Scott students are actually trained as mentors for the day using suggested strategies and topics – and some they have come up with themselves. For many school children, it is their first time on a college campus.
Everyone is welcome to join and spark a conversation with a young person for a lasting impact – encouraging children to graduate high school, attend college, find a mentor, and cultivate skills for a successful life. Or just come walk, hang out, and enjoy the day!
Registration/check-in will begin at 7:45AM. Please check-in at the registration tables when you first arrive. You will need to show your photo ID to receive your walk number. Once you have your number, you will be able to get breakfast and participate in activities that will be underway. There will be a group Jazzercise session like last year to get you warmed up for the walk – so don’t be late! The walk will start at 9:15AM.
After Walk Activities
Please join us after the walk for a celebration of education, mentoring, and you! There will be a bunch of fun festivities including speakers, entertainment, lunch, educational kiosks, and vendor tables. The Mentor Walk is also partnered with the Lt. Governor’s Healthy Kids Georgia initiative to produce the Healthy Living Expo. Check back often as details are continuously added!
- Address by Congressman John Lewis
- Address by Dr. Elizabeth Kiss – President of Agnes Scott College
- Address by Mrs. Carolyn Young
- Dance performance by Agnes Scott student groups
- Performance by Atlanta Music Project
- Attendance from other invited distinguished guests – Ambassador Andrew Young, Senator Johnny Isakson, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams, FOX5’s Amanda Davis (emcee), and more!
- Educational kiosks with fun demonstrations from different academic departments – from chemistry experiments to making your own granola.
- Vendor tables including a used book drive and voter registration
- Healthy Living Expo tables
- Sign up to be come a mentor or mentee
- Relay races, hula hoops, frisbees, and other fun sports hosted by Agnes Scott student athletes
- T-shirt distribution to those with a walk number
- Lunch will be provided to those with a walk number
Campus Community Partnership Foundation (C2P)
8343 Roswell Road #341
Atlanta, GA 30350
(404) 713-0393
Agnes Scott College
141 East College Avenue
Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 471-6000