Walk Details – 2014

[Mentor Walk Archive]

Georgia State University
Saturday, September 20, 2014


7:30am – 9:00am – Check-in & Registration, McDonald’s Breakfast, Keynote, Warm-up
9:00am – 10:15am – Walk
10:15am – 12:00pm – Student & Adult Sessions
12:00pm – 2:00pm – Party in the GSU Sports Arena & Lunch from Chick-Fil-A


Registration/check-in will begin at 7:30AM. Please check-in at the registration tables when you first arrive. You will need to show your photo ID to receive your walk number. College students will need to show their school ID. Once you have your number, you will be able to get breakfast and participate in activities that will be underway. As always, there will be a group exercises to get you warmed up for the walk and the day – so don’t be late! The walk will start promptly at 9:00AM.


Sessions for participants will begin at 10:15am. There will be separate sessions for younger students and adults. Topics for students will range from college prep, job interview skills, financial literacy, and reading skills/literacy.

Adult sessions are designed for parents, college students, and adults on a variety of topics in education. Individuals will participate in a discussion about education and will hear comments from a distinguished panel including leaders from academic, corporate, and civic organizations.

We ask that teachers and parents accompanying students attend the adult sessions to allow younger students time to learn in the small group coaching sessions.


Check out what we will have going on:

  • Lunch provided by Chick-fil-a
  • Student group tables
  • Vendor and sponsor tables
  • Backpack distribution to high school, middle school, and elementary school students
  • Mentor Walk Girl Scout patch pick-up
  • Healthy living tips
  • Sign the Mentor Walk pledge
  • Event survey with registration for a cool prize!
  • T-shirt distribution to all individuals with a walk number
  • Campus tours led by GSU students
  • and more!


Please park in the M deck (Parking is Free) -located at 25 Piedmont Ave. SE, Atlanta, GA 30303. M deck is directly across the street from the Student Center. Proceed to Check-in & Registration located outside in front of the Student Center. If you are taking MARTA please take the train to the Five Points station.

Campus Community Partnership Foundation (C2P)
3423 Piedmont Road NE
Suite #248
Atlanta, GA 30305
Tel.: 404-719-4363